[E] - 1098T Tuition and Fee Eligibility

This report is part of the  1098-T Reporting Guide


This report is intended to aid in the review of tuition and fee eligibility. Classes where the eligibility of tuition and fees have differences are highlighted with the HasMixedEligibility column.


Name Required Effect
1098-T Year No If selected, the results will be filtered to only include classes that recorded payments within the selected year.


  • If the 1098-T Year parameter is selected
    • One result for every Program, Course, or Lock-Step session that received payments within the reporting period.
  • If the 1098-T Year parameter is not selected
    • One result for every Program, Course, or Lock-Step session, regardless of payments or schedules.


Column Value
ClassCode P = program; C = course; L = lock-step
ClassKey Varies based on the Class Code.
P = program's PK;
C = course's PK;
L = lock-step's PK
ClassNumber The course number, if applicable.
ClassName Name of the program or course.
LockStepStartDate  If the record is a lock-step, the start date of the session will be included.
TuitionEligible 0 = No, tuition is not eligible;
1 = Yes, tuition is eligible
FeesEligible X = the number of assigned fees that are eligible
FeesIneligible X = the number of assigned fees that are not eligible
HasMixedEligibility 0 = The eligibility of tuition is the same as that of all assigned fees;
1 = The eligibility of tuition differs from the eligibility of the assigned fees, or assigned fees are mixed.